Tuesday 14 October 2008


There is nothing worse than being sick while overseas. All the old familiar remedies like chicken soup and Vicks Vaporub are either harder to come by or actually impossible to find. So there you are, in a strange room in a strange city, sick with no way to comfort yourself short of bundling up in a few layers of sweaters and running to the Centra convenience store for some Halls Soothers.

I managed to stave off the typical study abroad cold with the large supply of Cold-eeze I had stockpiled for such an occasion. I remembered my last Irish cold vividly: three and a half months of snivling, coughing, phelmy mess, leaving me feeling half-human and sending me running to the pharmacy for a new remedy every week or so. Luckily, with the help of the lovely Australian pharmacists and some sort of amazing Irish cough syrup, I was able to heal myself enough to drag myself to class.

So this time I arrived in Ireland with two boxes of Cold-eeze. When the first symptoms hit, I popped those pills like they were candy. Two days later, there was no cold in sight, and I congratulated myself on being so proactive as to stave off the disease that could have made my first semester an absolute hell.

I began to worry about my self-congratulations, though, at some point -- could I have jinxed my health for this semester? I am a supersitious person by nature, and so I began to worry that I would, in fact, get another cold, a BAD one.

I was wrong. Instead I was suddenly hit with flu-like symptoms: the fever, the exhaustion...and possibly the nausea, which has yet to occur but I'm sure will be coming along shortly. So let this be a lesson to you: Karma kills.

(I promise, you will get all the aforementioned blog entries once I pull myself together -- but right now I am going to curl up in bed with some tea and Oliver Twist and hope I can chase this off before it gets worse.)


KW said...

They don't have chicken noodle soup?

KT said...

I haven't seen it, and I'm not about to go feverishly wandering through Dublin in an attempt to find it...

KT said...

Just checked Dunnes for it -- nope, no chicken noodle. They had some sort of chicken vegetable, but their chicken vegetable isn't brothy like ours is, but creamy, so I didn't think it would be the same.

KW said...

Ew, cream will just make it worse. Unless it's a special kind. =P